Ride Nipomo
Equestrian TRAIL Alliance
Working together with hikers, bikers, and equestrians to save our trails for future generations
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Please track your monthly hours on the trails.
We report the time to the County and it helps us keep them preserved.
Here are a few tips:
We only need to provide monthly hours (not weekly) of time ridden or time worked on the below trails.
This doesn't have to be accurate to the minute - just provide an email monthly of your estimated time spent in both categories on the trails
Send your time to rntrails@gmail.com
Here are the trails we track and report on:
If you ride the Bluff trail in Nipomo, please make an extra effort to report your riding hours on this trail
Camino Caballo
Nipomo Park
Knollwood One
Knollwood Two (Callendar Grove)
Woodlands Staging
Native Gardens
Black Lake
Bluff Trail
Widmark Trail
Trilogy Trail
Questions? Email rntrails@gmail.com. Thank you!