~Well, another month has gone by, staying home and entertaining ourselves. We hope you are all healthy and doing well.
The Ride Nipomo Board members continue to monitor government affairs related to equestrians and repair our dedicated trails as needed. A shout out to our Jim Harrison and his sundry crews getting this work done!
~ Please remember to support our sponsors when you are shopping!
~ Have you cleaned your tack room? Looking for a horse? Did you know you can list horse related items (saddle, horse, trailer, etc.) for sale/trade in our monthly newsletter? Also, on the group RN email - RNtrails@gmail.com. Please make sure you include your best contact information and clear information - what you send in will printed exactly as sent!
~ Pismo Preserve is open again from 4pm until dusk (approximately 9pm) Monday through Friday. Trails are one way in order to facilitate social distancing. Watch for increased wildlife activity as the pandemic has decreased trail use. Equestrians may again reserve the three designated parking spaces online, as outlined in the February issue of the RN newsletter.
http://lcslo.org/pismohorseparking for more details.
We hope to see you on the trail soon! Again, stay safe & healthy.